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Awakening Mircales

सार्वजनिक·31 सदस्य

पिन की गई पोस्ट
Ronald Schaefer
14 नवंबर 2022 · ने ग्रुप विवरण को बदल दिया

Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and help to support one another as we all continue to grow and learn. This space is to be used for sharing information and helping each other. This group thread can also be used for mentoring students to practice their reading skills. If you are not an active or previous mentor student, please do not offer readings to others, unless you have already asked permission from me.

Today’s energy is a reminder that it’s okay to revise, review, and make changes. Sometimes, we see change as something bad or something to be feared, simply because we don’t know what will happen. It’s okay to feel that way, but we can’t let that feeling be the guiding force of our lives. If we do, we’ll remain stuck in the same old patterns, wondering why we’re unhappy.

Today, look at the different areas of your life and DARE TO DREAM A BIGGER DREAM. Think bigger, think wilder, and play with your imagination. Know that as you do, the universe is playing with you—conspiring to bring everything that brings you joy into your reality. But first, you must be willing to let go of the knowing and step into the UNKNOWN.

The quote, “If you do what you did, you will get what you got,” reminds us to step outside the box and try something new. If we don’t, we’ll continue to get the same results.

One great way to start something new is by observing whether you have a story attached to the situation. For example, you might be dedicated to a specific outcome because you believe things never work out for you, or that you always have to struggle. With these thoughts, you’ve already set yourself up for a self-fulfilling prophecy—you’ve told yourself it’s going to be hard because of past experiences.

The question is: does it have to be that way? Could you be willing to be cautiously optimistic? We can’t always jump straight to believing that “everything is working out perfectly,” especially if we don’t feel it’s true. That might just set us up for disappointment. But…

Today we have the energy opportunity. The opportunity that we have today is to reassess our dreams and desires to come at it from a new and different perspective. is the energy invites us to observe where we are doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result and from that space begin to step away from that hamster wheel and begin to step in a new direction.

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