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शामिल होने की तारीख: 7 अग॰ 2018

के बारे में

6 {count, plural, =0 {लाइक्स प्राप्त} =1 {लाइक प्राप्त} अन्य {लाइक्स प्राप्त}}
0 टिप्पणियां प्राप्त
0 best answer

Hello everyone, my name is Ron Schaefer I am the owner of awakening miracles. I am so grateful that you have chosen to allow me to be a part of your spiritual journey. I would like to give you a little background information about me will start with the typical background information before we jump into how we started my spiritual journey. As of this moment, I am 36 years old. I have three siblings, after three siblings I am the oldest both of my parents are still alive and well and I have a dog named Balto who is a Pom ski. I love walking and having deep conversations with friends and love to experience differnt spitual modalities. My sun sign is Leo my moon sign is Pisces and my ascendant sign is Aquarius My birthday is July 23. Now that you have that let's dig into how I started my own spiritual journey. When I was young, I was always in to anything paranormal or supernatural. I loved to watch, shows like sightings and unsolve mysteries when they would have paranormal cases. I never really looked into it. I would dabble from time to time with meditation, or trying to move things with my mind. It was not until 2012 when I actually started to take things seriously I was learning more about intuition and psychic abilities. I will be very honest with you. There was no aha moment or spirit, speaking directly to me and telling me to get to work. It was actually a very selfish reason why I started my spiritual journey. The reason I started my spiritual journey was because back in 2012 if you recall, the Mayans calendar was coming to an end. talking about how the world was going to end or split and I wanted to know what was going to happen so I decided to really start meditating and tuning in. that's how my whole spiritual journey began was from that one impulse, and it just kept on growing from there I got myself a deck of tarot cards and started studying them and doing readings for myself then started looking deeper in to how to trust my intuition and started using tools from a different spiritual teachers on YouTube and then was able to practice the things that I was learning on my coworkers at work. I got very confident in doing readings because my coworkers were saying how amazing they were and how much they helped so I took a very big step and I offered free readings on Facebook for a time and then started to do paid readings. In the winter of 2017 myself, and a friend were feeling like we had plateaued with the New Age mentality, and this friend recommended that together, we do a book called a course in miracles. That book changed so much for me, and opened me up in so many different areas of my life. It shifted so many thoughts and ideas beliefs, and opened me up to a deeper connection with spirit. that's leads us to where we are now. I am still learning and growing and evolving and I am so grateful to be of service to you in sharing what I have learned and what I have experienced and I want to thank you for helping me as well. How are you helping me you might ask? Your question help me to tune in and get greater clarity for myself as well as for you. I so look forward to growing and evoking together.

Your friend and Mighty Companion

Ron Schaefer

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