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Weekend Theme: Listen
This weekend, Spirit gave me a theme: listen. But this listening isn’t about tuning in to the ego—it’s about deeply listening to and with our spirits.
This doesn’t mean we need to sit in meditation all day. Instead, this is an invitation to be aware.
✨ Listen to your emotions—What messages do they hold about your alignment with Spirit?
✨ Listen to your body—Are you holding tension anywhere? If so, are you willing to receive the message that tension carries?
✨ Listen to others—Be fully present in conversations, not just picking up on what you want to hear, but truly being available. Everyone is a messenger; Spirit speaks through those who are willing.
✨ Listen to your intuition—This weekend is a beautiful time to deepen your dialogue with your inner guidance. As we step into March, let’s set our intentions from Spirit rather than from ego.
If you’d like some inspiration for this, I made a video on the topic: https://youtu.be/qGsoMnxLQYo
May you hear exactly what you need. 💛Remember, deep listening is not about forcing an answer or trying to control the message. It’s about making space for what wants to come through. The more we relax and trust, the clearer Spirit speaks
weekend, Spirit encourages us to step away from the crowd and observe the emotional currents rising around us. Instead of ignoring these emotions, allow yourself to witness them and ask, "Is this mine?" If not, invite your angels to take them from you.
Spirit supports us with the Lady of the Mirror, inviting us to reflect on our current reality. What are you seeing and experiencing? Decide if this is what you want to feel. If so, you're on the right track; if not, a shift is needed—a shift toward a better thought or feeling. This isn't about bypassing issues but acknowledging that you are the experiencer of these things, and if you don't like it, you have the power to change it.
The Sun Dancer encourages us to take time for joy, to praise what is working in our lives, and to engage in activities that help us feel the way we want to feel. Allow any arising emotions, then let them go and choose again.
The Word Lord challenges us to ensure our words match our vibration and intention, avoiding empty statements and spiritual bypassing.
Weekend Energy Report for February 14, 2025:
This weekend, Spirit's main message is clear: it's time for you to dream a bigger dream. Spirit wants us to remember that we are co-creators, and we are not limited.
Spirit first reminds us that we get to decide where our focus and attention go. We have the choice to remain in the ego's small dream of mere survival or to step into Spirit's dream of thriving. In each moment, we can choose to turn on the light of our spirit and ask ourselves:
What is going right in my life?
What is working?
What am I learning about what I want and don’t want?
Where am I in this process of discernment?
When we look through the light of our spirit, clarity emerges. The ego, clouded by its fears, perceives only darkness. But our spirit illuminates the path, revealing the value in all we have experienced and are currently experiencing.
From this place of light, we can speak to ourselves with love rather than fear or self-judgment. We have the power to set ourselves free from the limits we have imposed upon ourselves. This isn’t just about dreaming a bigger dream—it’s also about taking practical steps, whether mental, emotional, or physical, toward that dream. Not all at once, but one baby step at a time.
Spirit's got you. All of you.
This morning, I wanted to share a channel message that I received from pleiadian’s the messages is very short sweet into the point. The title is start getting comfortable with uncertainty.
Here is the link to the video: Friday, February 7, 2025 Channeled Message