Weekend contemplation for this weekend we are asked to ask for help for our well has run dry the ego would have you believe that if you ask for help you are a burden to others or that you should do it yourself because you did this to yourself or a myriad of other things.
Spirit/the universe wants nothing more than to help you but spirit does not wait on time. It waits on welcome. We must ask for the help. We must be willing to put down our agenda and our plan so spirits infinitely perfect, simple, easy effortless plan can be put into place.
Once we acknowledge that it’s not up to us to be the healer, the fixer, the doer, but it is merely up to us to be open to be used and rest when the rest is needed. This is where the revelation comes the understanding comes because we are so used to being the fixer, healer, doer, not realizing that these things are done for us, and through us, not by us.
This weekend be willing to ask for help if it’s needed to be willing to ask yourself why you feel you need to do everything ask yourself what if you did take the path less taken the path of least resistance how would your life be different?