Weekend Contemplation for November 8, 2024
This weekend, Spirit invites us to clear the fog clouding our minds. Right now, we may not be seeing things as clearly as we could, perhaps because we’re taking things personally. Spirit encourages us to release this fog by becoming the observer. From this place of observation, we can ask our inner being what it truly desires and allow that clarity to guide us.
As we do this, Spirit reminds us that we have a brand-new moment. We get to choose again, to see ourselves and our situations from the present “now” moment—not through the lens of the past or future, but in the bright, ever-present now.
Spirit also invites us this weekend to be of service to someone else. In doing so, we lift ourselves out of the ego’s fog and step into the clear, radiant present. By sharing light with others, we both become clearer, channeling the light we are.
Lastly, Spirit reminds us to be gentle with ourselves as we face the fog of the ego. Speak to yourself kindly as we all move together toward the brighter, ever-present Now.