Today spirit gave us the spirit animal of the Raven as part of our message for this weekend. The Raven is a messenger coming forth to remind you first that this weekend contains a healing aspect to it not only that but to begin to be aware of the little miracles and synchronicities that are occurring for they are winks from your higher power that you are aligning with the truth of who you are.
Our crowning energy is two-fold our first energy is security and our second is transcendence. Spirit asks us to be fearless in facing our littleness in areas where we find ourselves selling ourselves short or seeing ourselves as less than others and begin willing to laugh at them and rise above them realizing they are not truths but merely opinions we have about ourselves. An opinion is just that an opinion not a fact.
As we begin to align not with littleness but with our magnitude spirit invites us to see everything not as a challenge or test or more work to do on ourselves but instead as a gift of awareness that we have an opportunity to take and align with what is true.
The divine is also offering us support in this aligning process by asking us to become the observer of our thoughts and emotions, Ask yourself who is the I observing these thoughts? You will begin to notice that this self is not your ego but the truth of who you are the real you. Not the one who plays in littleness but the one that sits in the magnitude of your divine nature.